Institution of Construction Technologies Institute
National Research Council (CNR-ITC)
CNR is the largest public research institution in Italy, with 105 Institutes spread in all the national territory performing multidisciplinary research. ISAC is the largest CNR Institute on atmospheric sciences and the main activities of the Unit located in Padova are: study of the microclimate with respect to the energetic issues and human comfort; assessment of the environmental impact on built heritage; identification of sustainable conservation and management strategies of cultural assets indoors and outdoors. ICMATE is a highly interdisciplinary Institute, with expertise in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering. The Unit located in Padova carries out research in the field of geopolymers, including materials characterization; fiber reinforced geopolymer system for structural reinforcement of buildings; creation of furniture elements; geopolymer radiant indoor and facade panels; low temperature firing geopolymer bricks. ITC activities are within the field of construction, its mission being the improvement of the built environment, as the study of new methods in construction, environmental well-being, sustainable building, quality and performance evaluation of building systems and different heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) applications.
Role in the project
ISAC is responsible for the overall project coordination. In addition, its scientific contribution is focused on climatic and environmental aspects; performance evaluation of the new solutions in 4 buildings, taking into account an European scenario. ICMATE, is WP2 Leader, responsible for geopolymer binders development, selection of suitable CDW to include in geopolymer formulations, preliminary raw materials and geopolymer materials characterization and prototyping of two types of radiating panels and two types of insyulating facade panels. ITC is Task 1.4 Leader, due to its high experience in the field of Energy Efficiency from different point of view and its well equipped scientific laboratory to perform physical analyses.

Institution of Construction Technologies Institute
National Research Council (CNR-ITC)
CNR is the largest public research institution in Italy, with 105 Institutes spread in all the national territory performing multidisciplinary research. ISAC is the largest CNR Institute on atmospheric sciences and the main activities of the Unit located in Padova are: study of the microclimate with respect to the energetic issues and human comfort; assessment of the environmental impact on built heritage; identification of sustainable conservation and management strategies of cultural assets indoors and outdoors. ICMATE is a highly interdisciplinary Institute, with expertise in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Engineering. The Unit located in Padova carries out research in the field of geopolymers, including materials characterization; fiber reinforced geopolymer system for structural reinforcement of buildings; creation of furniture elements; geopolymer radiant indoor and facade panels; low temperature firing geopolymer bricks. ITC activities are within the field of construction, its mission being the improvement of the built environment, as the study of new methods in construction, environmental well-being, sustainable building, quality and performance evaluation of building systems and different heating, ventilating, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) applications.
Role in the project
ISAC is responsible for the overall project coordination. In addition, its scientific contribution is focused on climatic and environmental aspects; performance evaluation of the new solutions in 4 buildings, taking into account an European scenario. ICMATE, is WP2 Leader, responsible for geopolymer binders development, selection of suitable CDW to include in geopolymer formulations, preliminary raw materials and geopolymer materials characterization and prototyping of two types of radiating panels and two types of insyulating facade panels. ITC is Task 1.4 Leader, due to its high experience in the field of Energy Efficiency from different point of view and its well equipped scientific laboratory to perform physical analyses.

Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry and Technologies for EnergyNational Research Council(CNR-ICMATE)
CNR es la institución de investigación pública más grande de Italia, con 105 institutos distribuidos en todo el territorio nacional que realizan investigaciones multidisciplinarias. ISAC es el mayor instituto CNR de ciencias atmosféricas y las principales actividades de la Unidad ubicada en Padua son: estudio del microclima con respecto a los problemas energéticos y la comodidad humana; evaluación del impacto ambiental en el patrimonio construido; identificación de estrategias sostenibles de conservación y gestión de activos culturales en interiores y exteriores. ICMATE es un Instituto altamente interdisciplinario, con experiencia en Química, Física, Ciencia de Materiales e Ingeniería. La Unidad ubicada en Padua lleva a cabo investigaciones en el campo de los geopolímeros, incluida la caracterización de los materiales; sistema de geopolímero reforzado con fibra para refuerzo estructural de edificios; creación de elementos de mobiliario; geopolímeros radiantes interiores y paneles de fachada; ladrillos geopolímeros de cocción a baja temperatura. Las actividades del ITC están dentro del campo de la construcción, su misión es la mejora del entorno construido, como el estudio de nuevos métodos en construcción, bienestar ambiental, construcción sostenible, evaluación de calidad y rendimiento de sistemas de construcción y diferentes sistemas de calefacción, ventilación y aire aplicaciones de acondicionamiento y refrigeración (HVACR).
Papel en el proyecto
ISAC es responsable de la coordinación general del proyecto. Además, su contribución científica se centra en los aspectos climáticos y ambientales; evaluación del rendimiento de las nuevas soluciones en 4 edificios, teniendo en cuenta un escenario europeo. ICMATE, es WP2 Leader, responsable del desarrollo de aglutinantes geopolímeros, selección de CDW adecuado para incluir en formulaciones de geopolímeros, caracterización preliminar de materiales y geopolímeros y prototipado de dos tipos de paneles radiantes y dos tipos de paneles de fachada insulables. ITC es Task 1.4 Leader, debido a su gran experiencia en el campo de la Eficiencia Energética desde diferentes puntos de vista y su laboratorio científico bien equipado para realizar análisis físicos.

Advanced Management Solutions/Proigmenes
Erevnitikes ke Diaxiristikes Efarmoges
AMSolutions Ltd is an SME, founded in 1999, establishing its current legal form in 2004 with the goal to provide state-of-theart consultancy & technical services inextricably linked with the Research, Development & Production of novel energy efficient procedures & materials contributing to the constantly increasing demand of “eco-friendly”, energy efficient & “value for money” novel products to a rapidly forward moving world.
AMSolutions activities are focused on two main areas:
Turnkey eco-solutions and Research, development, production, integration & application of various environmentally friendly materials with advanced properties to improve energy efficiency, including among them novel insulating materials, PVC, resins, PCM’s, mortars, plasters, coatings, geopolymers, composite building systems, etc.
Role in the project
AMS will be Work Package Leader for Work Package 3 “Production definition and scale up of new panels”. The main objectives of the Work Package are:
Technical design and definition of plant steps of geopolymer components suitable for installation
Upscaling of eco-friendly insulating façade panels
Upscaling of eco-friendly radiating panels for wall and ceiling
Small scale production of panels for demo site applications
Assessment of the industrial production
AMS will also participate in the “Selection of the best technically solutions, energy performance and project design” (WP4), in the installation of the Athens demo site as sub task leader and in the Scenario based on 4 real and simulated 4 “virtual” case studies
AMS will also have a role in business plan, market introduction and Dissemination, exploitation and communication activities

RED S.r.l. is an Italian research SME founded on 2006 as a spin-off of National Research Council.
R.E.D. S.r.l. is a versatile SME capable of delivering innovations, solutions and services in Energy Efficiency of Buildings and in Monitoring of Thermal Comfort, Indoor Air Quality, Illumination and Energy Efficiency.
Role in the project
Responsible of demonstration and validation in field (WP5). Responsible of Belgium demo case. Partecipation in dinamic symulation of demo case and virtual case. Partecipation in preparing the business model. Partecipation in finding the better solution and make the project design.

TECNALIA Research & Innovation
TECNALIA is a private, independent, nonprofit applied research centre of international excellence. Legally a Foundation, Tecnalia is the leading private and independent research and technology organisation in Spain and one of the largest in Europe. TECNALIA is committed to generate major impacts in economic terms, by means of innovation and technological development, addressed by 7 business divisions, covering economic sectors of Construction, Energy, Industry, Transportation, Health and ICT. TECNALIA Sustainable Construction division has an expertise in Cultural Heritage conservation, from conservation works to research activities on policies for heritage sites protection and promotion, or technologies and tools for heritage materials preservation. It has also a specialized knowledge in Energy Efficiency studies and demonstrations, with several works and research projects focused on Energy Efficiency on Cultural Heritage.
Role in the project
Due to its experience both in energy efficiency and cultural heritage, will contribute with its expertise on heritage conservation criteria and specialized knowledge on modelling the retrofitting of historical buildings using energy efficient solutions. In this sense, TECNALIA will lead WP4 “Selection of the best technically solutions, energy performance and project design” which will lead to the elaboration of the project designs for demo buildings. TECNALIA will also have a key participation in WP5 “ Demonstration and validation in field, performance evaluation and scenarios” as leader of the task 5.4. Also it will be leader of the task 4.3.

Guidolin Giuseppe – Eco. G. srl
Over fifty years, the company operates in many fields of the construction industry, from the activities of earth movement, to the production and sale of aggregates, from civil and industrial demolition, to the disposal and recovery of non-hazardous inert waste, to the realization of infrastructure works and the construction of civil and industrial buildings.
In particular in the last 25 years ithas developed a great experience in the treatment of no-hazardous waste mainly from building construction in order to produce secondary raw materials suitable for the use in the road and building construction. ECO operates following a sustainable development, for example by reducing the extraction of natural
resources, the emissions in atmosphere, etc… The company with great professionalism offers full remediation services, following also the entire administrative process.
Role in the project
ECO will participate mainly in the “Identification of the waste typologies and there use in new construction material”. Their role is to locate and pre-select the different types of waste from construction and demolition, perform the demolition and reduce waste by different processes to obtain secondary raw material required for the production of the innovative panels. In particular will lead Task 1.1 “Identify collect and categorize the typologies of building waste to be mixed to geopolymer materials and pilot production”. ECO will be involved also in “Business models, market introduction plan and future impact” and “ Dissemination, exploitation and communication activities”.

SC Pietre Edil SRL
S.C. Pietre Edil S.R.L. is a dynamic and innovative company operating in the field of architecture, design, engineering and renewable energy. Founded in 2005, the company has permanently focused on improving its services and capabilities in order to accomplish its mission: deliver smart and sustainable buildings by integrating architecture, design and energy efficiency in a systematic manner. The continuous development and widening of the activities as well as the constant investments in know-how and innovative technologies enabled Pietre Edil to face competition, develop and grow, earn recognition, good economic results and a lengthening list of clients and collaborators. Thus, over its 10 years of doing business, the company completed numerous projects and cooperated with various national and international actors, managing to become an important and respected name in the Romanian architectural industry.
Role in the project
The main role of Pietre Edil within the project consists in assessing the efficiency and the potential of the new CDW materials in delivering sustainable building solutions, as well as in contributing to their dissemination and commercial exploitation on the Romanian construction market. As weel, Pietre Edil WP6 Leader for business models, market introduction plan and future impact.Tasks:
identify and categorize the typologies of waste collected in Europe from the demolition of the buildings useful to be mixed to geopolymer materials to built the prefabricated panels;
cost evaluation of materials and processes as a base for developing the preliminary business model for the innovative products;
identify the best solutions for an easy installation and disassembly of panels;
collect data and set the final requirements of the real demo sites (Task Leader);
elaborate specific project designs for each demo building (Task Leader);
install the selected solutions in Don Orione Center (real demo case) and Pietre historical building (virtual case);
exploitation and market deployment of the innovative products;
training, education and dissemination.

IZNAB Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością
Dynamic SME providing services in fields of Engineering and Consultancy. In interest of the company are subjects reagrding Energy-efficient Buildings, Smart & Green Transport, Clean & Green Energy, Nano-Bio-Technology. IZNAB objective is to provide innovative solutions in a highly competitive market. The company has the most specialised engineers with experience to provide an adapted service which fulfils all of our client’s requirements. Our services, amongst others, include: characterization of innovative materials/complex structure, application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) into the modelling of industrial processes and equipment, as well as in buildings. We achieve this using simulation programs, such as TRNSYS, and SimaPro.
Role in the project
IZNAB is a leader of WP7, where it needs to coordinate all the communication, dissemination actions and develop exploitation strategy for InnoWEE project. This SME will mainly contribute to development of business strategy, risk management. Moreover, to its constant duties belong website maintenance, leaflet, brochure update and monitoring partners activities regarding dissemination. IZNAB will also contribute to activities such as Life Cycle Analysis, Life Cycle Thinking and Business modelling.

Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije/Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute
ZAG is Slovenia’s national building and civil engineering institute. Our main activities include fundamental and applied research, development of new methods of testing and measurement, certification and attestation of conformity of products, training of research and technical staff in particular technical fields, participation in the preparation of technical codes and standards. ZAG has 178 employees, including 80 researchers with university qualifications and academic titles. ZAG comprises 22 laboratories and sections, equipped with advanced laboratory infrastructure which provides for quality performance in individual fields of activity. Main research focus is put on i) synthesis of new materials (organo-inorganic composites, materials for restoration of the cultural heritage, nano self-cleaning coating…), ii) secondary raw materials (industrial waste, CDW), iii) degradation processes (corrosion of metals, degradation processes in stone, concrete and ceramics, freezing, microbial deterioration…), and iv) energy efficiency and LC/LCC analysis.
Role in the project
ZAG is involved in almost all of WPs, but main contribution will be given in the area of i) assessment of secondary raw materials, ii) assessment of new, innovative products for building sector, and iii) in the evaluation of LCA and LCCA. ZAG will take leading role in WP1, leading task 1.2 and 1.5. ZAG will also lead Task 2.4 “Performance and durability assessment of innovative materials produced”, and Task 3.4“Assessment of the industrial production”. In the WP5“Demonstration and validation in field, performance evaluation and scenarios”, ZAG will lead the Task 5.3 “Performance evaluation of the solutions in real buildings respect to energy, durability, comfort and European and national standards, codes and guidelines”. In the WP6 “Business models, market introduction plan and future impact” ZAG will lead Tasks 6.3 and 6.5, “Evaluation of costs performance during the whole life cycle (LCCA)” and “Evaluation of then Life Cycle Thinking (LCT)” respectively.

Magnetti Building is a leading Romanian company, which is specialized in the production of precast concrete elements and operates in the design sector for constructing industrial, commercial and logistical solutions. Its background concerning design and production of precast elements, such as columns, beams, roofing elements, double ribbed elements and façade panels, mainly for industrial building, offices, warehouses, shopping and sport-centres, cinemas, schools. In addition, the company carries out transport and assembling operations of the produced elements in order to create the final building.
Role in the project
WP3 “Production definition and scale up of new panels” leading task 3.1;WP4 “Selection of the best technical solutions energy performance and project design” as leader of the task 4.1; will carry out a key role in the installation of the developed solutions in the four real demo-sites; will be involved in the activities of WP1 and WP6, concerning business model, cost evaluation, market analysis. In WP6 it will be also leader of the task 6.1 “Industrial production assembly and installation”; will participate to the dissemination, exploitation and communication activities within the WP7.

Municipality Varis – Voulas – Vouliagmenis
Suburban area (34 km²) located in the south-western part of Attica, Greece, with 48,399 citizens. The Municipal Council and the Mayor is responsible for the local administration of social, financial, cultural, environmental, technical, city planning etc matters. Municipality, as a local public body, has about 400 employees.
Role in the project
The municipal brings the availability of a historical building to be used as demonstration site for the project. A refurbishment will be performed using the following innovative solutions: eco-friendly insulating façade panels and lightweight fire resistance wood panels for indoor walls. In this climatic contest the performance of the insulating system will be evaluated for at least 1 year in terms of insulation effects (energy performance) and improvement of indoor conditions (comfort). It is also involved in the following Work Packages:
WP 4. Selection of the best technically solutions, energy performance and project design
WP 5. Demonstration and validation in field, performance evaluation and scenarios
WP 6. Business models, market introduction plan and future impact
WP 7. Dissemination, exploitation and communication activities
WP 8. Project and consortium management