Final Conference
Final Conference
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During the Final Conference the InnoWEE partners presented their performed work and achived results in 4 years of the project in development of the innovative geopolymeric panels for building applications.
On behalf of the InnoWEE Consortium, we would like to thank everyone who registered and participate in the event.
Below the information about the Final Conference and the video recordings of the online event are presented.
Final Conference virtual access open | 9:15 – 9:30 |
SESSION I – InnoWEE Final Conference opening | 9:30 |
Welcome to participants by Project coordinator – Adriana Bernardi (CNR-ISAC); | 9:30 – 9:35 |
Challenges and opportunities of construction sector in terms of SRM implementation – Danijel Lisičić (JUB d.o.o.) | 9:35 – 9:50 |
Short overview of the project and presentation of the consortium – Project coordinator – Adriana Bernardi (CNR-ISAC) | 9:50 – 10:00 |
SESSION II – CDW-based new materials and products | 10:00 |
Innovative geopolymer panels, from waste to laboratory realisation – Sergio Tamburini & Giovanni Ferrarini (CNR-ICMATE&ITC) | 10:00 – 10:25 |
Pilot plant and upscaled production of the new panels – Constantinos Tsoutis (AMS) | 10:25 – 10:45 |
Testing of the new products – Vilma Ducman (ZAG) | 10:45 – 11:00 |
Q&A | 11:00 – 11:05 |
SESSION III – InnoWEE demonstrators | 11:05 |
Installation, monitoring system and performance appraisal in real demo buildings – Giulia Mezzasalma (RED) | 11:05 – 11:35 |
·Italian demo site | |
·Greek demo site | |
·Romanian demo site | |
·Belgian demo site | |
Building Energy Modelling and virtual demo sites – Beatriz Fraga (TECNALIA) | 11:35 – 11:50 |
SESSION IV – Impact assessment of the new solutions | 11:50 |
Life Cycle Assessment – Friderik Knez (ZAG) | 11:50 – 12:05 |
Certification and standards – Sabina Dolenec (ZAG) | 12:05 – 12:15 |
Q&A | 12:15 – 12:20 |
SESSION V – Market impact / Commercialization assessment | 12:20 |
Industrialization – Francesco Sonzogni (MAGNETTI) | 12:20 – 12:30 |
Total Cost of Ownership the Product, comparision with traditional similar products – Loredana Fodor (PIETRE) | 12:30 – 12:40 |
Exploitation plans – Jakub Pluta (IZNAB) | 12:40 – 12:50 |
Q&A and Closing of Final Conference | 12:50 |
Q&A | 12:50 – 13:00 |
Closing of the Final Conference – Adriana Bernardi (CNR-ISAC) | 13:00 – 13:05 |
Recordings of the Final Conference
Welcome speech and general presentation of the project of Dr Adriana Bernardi, the project’s coordinator.
Presentation of the invited speaker about use od secondary raw materials in construction sector.
The 1st session of the event, focused on the presentation of the construction waste-based new materials and products.
InnoWEE Final Conference – Part 2
- Presentation of the InnoWEE demonstration buildings – installation of the panels, monitoring and performance results.
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the new geopolymer solutions.
- Certification of the new construction products.
InnoWEE Final Conference – Part 3
- Assessment of the market impact and commercialisation of the new products.
- Closing speech.

BERNARDI Adriana – Project Coordinator (CNR-ISAC)
Head of Unit of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate of National Research Council (CNR-ISAC) of Padua, Physicist, Senior researcher. Her fields of expertise are microclimatology, environmental sciences, comfort, conservation of cultural heritage, mobile and immobile, energy saving in historical and non-historical buildings. She published about 350 scientific papers, 2 books and two patents. Since 1st FP she is participating/participated to 19 European projects being a Coordinator of 6 EU projects and a Scientific responsible in other 6 EU projects. Coordinator/participant to other 50 international and national projects. Creator and shareholder of a spin-off. She is also an evaluator of projects for the European Commission in H2020, in the VthFP, for the Italian Ministry and for JPICH/JHEP, member of the ECTP and E2B-PPP, Coordinator of Heritage and Regeneration (H&R) in ECTP. Member of numerous Commissions, in particular for Italian and European Standards (UNI and CEN). Member of editorial board of Journal of Cultural Heritage.

Has more than 15 years of experience in the field of mineral and microstructural characterization of materials. Her main research interests are mineral binders and other mineral materials, mortars and valorisation of secondary raw materials in construction products. She is skilled in performance and interpretation of different analyses of mineral materials, i.e. XRD, SEM/EDS and Raman microspectroscopy. She has led or is being involved in several national and international projects. She is member of several scientific and professional associations and editorial boards, including RILEM TCs and TCs of Slovenian Institute for Standardization. She has authored or co-authored of more than 60 scientific and technical papers published in international and national journals in the field of Material Science.

Researcher at the Construction Technologies Institute of the Italian National Research Council (ITC-CNR) in Padua. He obtained his PhD in Industrial Engineering at the University of Padua. His main research interest is the application of infrared thermography to building survey and nondestructive testing. He is author of more than 50 scientific publications and is involved in European and National projects on energy efficiency in buildings.

She has been involved in the research and testing of traditional ceramics building products. Her main research focus has been placed on use of different waste materials (waste glass, paper mud, silica sludge, fly ash…) in the building industry, mainly into processing of different waste into lightweight aggregates and composites. In last years she has been actively involved in research of alkali activated materials based on different waste material. She has led or been involved in many (inter-) national projects on recycling and development of new building materials or products. She has published over 50 articles in scientific journals and over 100 in professional magazines and conferences, and she acquired four SI patents on recycling.

Holds bachelor degree in Economy and Legal Science, with a master in International Law with environmental specialization. Her fields of expertise are environment (standardisation specialist), business and exploitation plan (financial auditor, member of the Romanian CAFR – National Branch of Romanian auditors), legal (member of National Branch of Romanian Legals) and project management. She has over 13 years of professional experience, with a continuous specialisation and a permanent study in order to improve her specific competences. She has experience of more that 12 years in the projects approved by the Romanian European Funds Ministry, participation in European Programmes of Horizon 2020.

MEng Mechanical Engineer with a postgraduate MSc degree in Sustainable Energy Systems at Queen Mary University of London. Six years of multidisciplinary experience in the field of energy efficiency, low carbon emissions and R&D. Currently, she works as Energy Efficiency Engineer at Tecnalia Building Technologies department. Previous work experience involved the integration of Renewable and Sustainable schemes into the planning of a wide range of projects.

KNEZ Friderik – ZAG
He has been involved in several EU projects, providing expertise on energy efficiency and life cycle assessment. His field of research extends over different cases of LCA for different materials, in particular recycled materials. He is author of several scientific and many professional papers in the field of LCA. Currently he is convenor of working group for sustainability at the European organization for technical assessments (EOTA). He is also representative of ZAG, a founding member of the ECO platform, specializing in publishing EPDs. He is also member of the Technical board of the EOTA and a scientific coordinator for large national sustainability related projects.

He holds a PhD degree in Chemistry, focused in Nanotechnology, from the CBMiM, PAN of Lodz, Poland. He holds also Engineer degree in Protection of Environment from Technical University of Lodz, Poland. He has a good knowledge of the R&D processes and products (over 8 years in R&D departments – Poland/Spain) in the field of novel multifunctional complex nanomaterials, related to the Manufacturing, Energy and Environmental sector. His interdisciplinary experience allows him to use the software for simulation and optimization – Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA/LCCA). During his intensive professional career as Project Manager (Horizon 2020 Project/Proposals), he has obtained multidisciplinary expertise and skills related to Project Management, Business Modelling and Market Analysis, IPR Management. Furthermore, his strong characteristic can effectively take decisions and to interact with different partner profiles, including small enterprises, large industrial players, academic institutions and public bodies.

He holds a PhD degree in Chemistry, focused in Nanotechnology, from the CBMiM, PAN of Lodz, Poland. He holds also Engineer degree in Protection of Environment from Technical University of Lodz, Poland. He has a good knowledge of the R&D processes and products (over 8 years in R&D departments – Poland/Spain) in the field of novel multifunctional complex nanomaterials, related to the Manufacturing, Energy and Environmental sector. His interdisciplinary experience allows him to use the software for simulation and optimization – Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA/LCCA). During his intensive professional career as Project Manager (Horizon 2020 Project/Proposals), he has obtained multidisciplinary expertise and skills related to Project Management, Business Modelling and Market Analysis, IPR Management. Furthermore, his strong characteristic can effectively take decisions and to interact with different partner profiles, including small enterprises, large industrial players, academic institutions and public bodies.

He graduated at University of Bergamo obtaining his Engineer degree. He has a long professional experience in the field of building materials. He is currently working as R&D, Quality and Safety manager in Magnetti Building, a leading Italian company specialized in the production of precast concrete elements for industrial, commercial and logistical solutions. He has been involved as innovation and demonstration manager in FP7 EASEE and SUSCON European projects, where different energy efficient façade systems have been developed and tested across Europe. He is author of more than 20 publications in international and national journals and conferences regarding building materials and their applications.

Obtained his Master title in the area of HVAC systems graduating of the University of Technology in Lublin (Poland). Earlier graduated of the University of Life Science in Lublin (Poland) in Environmental Engineering, where he obtained the title of Engineer. He has experience in HVAC installations design, including implementation of the renewable energy sources. He is a licensed building energy auditor and is currently participating in European R&D funded projects in the fields of Energy Efficiency, Energy-efficient Buildings and IoT.

Holds a title of Energy and Energetic Engineer from the University of Padua (Italy) and a Master in Project and Innovation Management. She has wide experience as an energetic auditor and in the field of development of proposal of European Projects and participation in several projects as Work Package Leader. She is expert in innovative HVAC systems, geothermal plants in particularly. She has also acquired knowledge in specific programs used commonly in energy engineering like TRNSYS, TERMUS, MATLAB.

LISIČIĆ Danijel – JUB d.o.o.
After finishing secondary school for Mechanical Engineering graduated from the University of Civil Engineering in Ljubljana in 2002. During his past practice he started working as a construction site manager and later as construction project manager, where he participated mostly in housing construction and renovations of historical buildings. In 2010 he joined research center of company JUB, which produces materials for finishing works in construction, as a Head of Application Development Department. He also worked for more than 10 years as an energy consultant in the government supported free advisory scheme for citizens when building and renovating homes. He is a member of the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers and the Slovenian Passive House Consortium.

MSc in Chemistry, senior scientist at CNR-ICMATE. His research activities deal with basic and applied research in chemistry, nano and supramolecular chemistry, material science, science and technology for developing of geopolymeric materials. He has been scientific responsible/participant of several National and EU projects concerning molecular and supramolecular devices for innovative applications in luminescent sensors and diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). He is author of more than 110 papers in refereed international journals devoted to basic and applied chemistry. He has managed several research contracts with SMEs involving geopolymeric materials and is also involved in national and international trainings and post-doc grants in materials science, including geopolymeric and AAM technology.

TSOUTIS Constantinos – AMS
Holds a Degree in Design & Construction Management, a Masters Certificate in Business Administration and a PhD degree in Construction Activities from University of Greenwich. He is an active Member of Chartered Institute of Building (ACIOB), European Association of Project Managers (EAPM) and European Confederation of Chartered Builders (ECCB). Among his field of expertise is the sector of construction as well as innovative energy saving technologies. He is currently a member of the executive board of AMS and financial advisor at the Ministry of Environment and at several consultancy companies. He has been involved in 15 EU projects.