No. | Title | Access | Submission | Download |
D1.1 | Identification/selection/treatment of the typologies of building waste to be mixed to geopolymer materials and pilot production |
Confidential | January 2017 | |
D1.2 | European standards and regulations related to production of secondary raw materials - CDW | Public | September 2017 | |
D1.3 | Analysis in research laboratories of the selected CDW | Confidential | May 2017 | |
D1.4 | Performance indicators for the new materials | Confidential | September 2017 | |
D1.5 | Environmental performance during the whole life cycle (LCA) | Confidential | May 2020 | |
D1.6 | Preliminary cost evaluation of the new SRM and business plan | Confidential | September 2017 | |
D1.7 | Set-up of pilot plant for treatment of the typologies of building waste to be mixed to geopolymer materials and pilot production | Confidential | September 2017 | |
D2.1 | Design of geopolymer binder | Confidential | December 2017 | |
D2.2 | Prototyping best performing new eco friendly insulating façade insulation panels | Confidential | March 2018 | |
D2.3 | Prototyping best performing new eco-friendly radiating panels for indoor applications | Confidential | March 2018 | |
D2.4 | Performance and durability assessment of innovative materials | Confidential | May 2019 | |
D3.1 | Design of insulation geopolymer panel for installation in demo sites | Confidential | July 2018 | |
D3.2 | Upscale of eco-friendly insulating façade panels for demo-site applications | Confidential | February 2019 | |
D3.3 | Upscale of eco-friendly radiating panels for wall and ceiling for demo-site applications | Confidential | February 2019 | |
D3.4 | Assessment of the industrial production | Confidential | July 2019 | |
D4.1 | Identification of the best solutions for an easy installation and disassembly of panels based on architectural evaluation and cost | Confidential | May 2018 | |
D4.2 | Demo sites data gathering and final and final requirements setting | Confidential | March 2018 | |
D4.3 | Models on the Energy performance for the different solutions | Confidential | November 2018 | |
D4.4 | Project design for each real demo site | Confidential | September 2018 | |
D5.1 | Report on the installation of solutions in the pilot and 3 real demo sites | Confidential | March 2019 | |
D5.2 | Monitoring results from the Pilot and real demo sites | Confidential | March 2020 | |
D5.3 | Performance evaluation of the solutions in Pilot and 3 real demo sites in function of Energy, durability, comfort respect to the European and national standards, codes and guidelines | Confidential | April 2020 | |
D5.4 | Evaluation of operational steps (timing and costs) for installation of new products and comparison with the procedure of actual commercial products | Confidential | November 2019 | |
D5.5 | Construction of a scenario based on Pilot demo, 3 real demo sites and simulated 4 virtual demo case studies | Confidential | May 2020 | |
D6.1 | Definition of the large industrial production and assembly | Confidential | January 2020 | |
D6.2 | Capital costs of ownership of the new products | Confidential | March 2020 | |
D6.3 | Evaluation of costs performance during the whole life cycle (LCCA) | Confidential | July 2020 | |
D6.4 | Exploitation plans for the different European markets | Confidential | July 2020 | |
D6.5 | Final business plan with respective risk assessment and sensitivity analysis | Confidential | July 2020 | |
D6.6 | Evaluation of Life Cycle Thinking analysis (LCT) | Confidential | July 2020 | |
D7.1 | First Dissemination Plan, Clustering engagements & Production of Project Website, brochure and leaflet | Public | March 2017 | |
D7.2 | Initial Exploitation Plan & Risk Management Plan | Confidential | September 2017 | |
D7.3 | Mid-term Exploitation Plan, Standardization assessment & Risk Management Plan improvements | Confidential | September 2018 | |
D7.4 | Final Exploitation Plan, Business Model & Final Risk Management Plan | Public | September 2020 | |
D7.5 | Report on Training, Education and Networking activities | Public | September 2020 | |
D8.1 | Quality Project Plan | Confidential | December 2016 | |
D8.2 | First short scientific report | Confidential | March 2017 | |
D8.3 | Second short scientific report | Confidential | September 2017 | |
D8.4 | Third short scientific report | Confidential | September 2018 | |
D8.5 | Fourth short scientific report | Confidential | March 2019 | |
D8.6 | Fifth short scientific report | Confidential | March 2020 | |
D9.1 | EPQ – Requirement No. 1 | Confidential | May 2017 |
Συμμετοχή του InnoWEE σε δεξαμενές δεδομένων ανοιχτής πρόσβασης